The Careerlink Philosophy
Japan’s most responsible human resource services company
Allow everyone to experience the satisfaction of doing a job well.
・We offer ideas for the best restructuring of business processes and supply value-added human resource services that improve efficiency.
・We supply employment opportunities that match the lifestyles and career goals of people seeking jobs and our temporary placement workforce.
・We aim to be Japan's most responsible human resource services company as an organization that contributes to the advancement of society by creating jobs.
The Careerlink Group Slogan
Our Group Code of Conduct
1. Respect for fundamental human rightsWe respect all fundamental human rights. Careerlink Group never discriminates on the basis of race, nationality, beliefs, gender, age, social status, health condition or
disability and never undermines individual dignity.
2. Complying with laws, regulations and corporate ethicsWe comply with the Worker Dispatching Act, other related regulations and
internal rules at all times in our corporate and business activities. We also
conduct deal with people fairly in accordance with social ethics and accepted
business customs.
3. Protecting Personal InformationAs a personnel services company, we recognize the importance of protecting
personal information. As such, we gather, use and provide personal information
in an appropriate manner in accordance with internal rules. We have created a
system to ensure personnel information is managed properly as part of efforts to
prevent information leaks.
4. Implementing sound business practice
We deal with all stakeholders in a fair, honest and open manner at all times to
ensure sound business practice. We put particular emphasis on the following areas:
(1) Rejecting all contact with antisocial elements
We firmly reject all contact with antisocial forces and groups.
(2) Ensuring appropriate disclosure
In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, we actively disclose data about earnings, business activities and other corporate information to shareholders and other investors on a timely basis.
(3) Protecting Company information
Our employees are strictly forbidden from using information gained through their
duties for purposes other than the intended use, during or after their employment
with Careerlink Group. Also, in accordance with internal rules, we strictly control the use of information to prevent unintended disclosures or leaks.
(4) Prohibition of insider trading
We do not use information gained through our business activities to trade in equities or other securities. Information is never passed to third parties for their
profit or advantage.
(5) Preventing conflicts of interest
We never behave in a way that would benefit ourselves or third parties to the
detriment of the Company’s profits.
5. Improving satisfaction for clients, staff working in placements and employees
Our basic policy is to ensure mutual understanding between our employees and
staff in work placements. Based on this idea, Careerlink Group aspires to be Japan’s most responsive personnel services company, aiming to improve satisfaction for clients, staff in placements and employees.
6. Contributing to the community
We recognize our social responsibility as a member of the community and we
seek to contribute to the development of society by creating job opportunities.